Isopolyphony is vocal, instrumental and choreographic folklore and a typology of the Albanian national spiritual heritage, declared “Masterpiece of the Oral and Spiritual Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO on November 25, 2005. Isopolyphony is the basic musical phenomenon in South Albania, which is built on the principle of the singing of one or several different solo voices, over a bed of isoje sung by a group of singers.
Its main types are Labe isopolyphony, Tuscan isopolyphony and Chama isopolyphony. Isopolyphony is 2-3 and 4-voice, vocal, instrumental and choreographic.
Our popular “iso-polyphony”, this extraordinary phenomenon of human conception and communication has been placed in the place it deserves: in the list of masterpieces of the spiritual world of mankind.
This list of masterpieces basically consists of phenomena and manifestations of the spiritual cultures of different peoples of the world, which lie at the foundation of human culture and are distinguished by the unique spirit and type that they represent. Among them we mention: the maqams of Iraq, the Beijing opera, the Indian Vedas, etc.