“Tour Operator” – Open lecture with students of the University of Korça, UNIKO

IETT in cooperation with the travel agency “Balkan Pearls Tour Operator” and the Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing – Tourism at UNIKO held an open lecture hour “Tour Operator”.

Lecture led by Mrs. Vilma Meta, manager of the BPTO agency, addressed a variety of issues on the basic components of tourism, the difference between an operator and the tour agent, their duties or responsibilities.

In the second session, creating a parallel link between the theoretical part, as an example was taken the experience of the travel agency “Balkan Pearls Tour Operator” to explain how a cycle of tourist product works or the categorization of tour operators.

The concluding session was devoted to questions students had about other concepts in the field of tourism, the experience needed to take over the management of a travel agency, or ways to succeed in establishing international contacts.