Ambition, will and high motivation are a great challenge in this life.To achieve success, we must pass through a small corridor, called ambition or will, from which the grand launch begins and the first steps to glory are taken. Success lies within us , we own its mechanisms and ways.But when is it time to start? And who among us does not want to be successful in his life?

This purpose and goal is shared by all common people, so success is a human demand and an innate goal where a person achieves and elevates himself. History has written through different phases of time, stories of successful people who were able to achieve success in all areas of life. When a person follows the path of the successful in life, he follows the example of those who preceded him on this path, so the paths of those who are successful in life will illuminate for those who seek success. Those who seek to follow these tactics are those who want to emerge victorious over their enemies in battle.

Author of the work: Abdullah Sadik Dahlan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the University of Business and Technology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Number of pages: 171

Publishing house: New Millennium

Year of publication: 2022