Muzeu Kombëtar ‘Shtëpia me gjethe’

Ndërtesa e njohur si ‘Shtëpia me gjethe’, e quajtur kështu për shkak të bimës kacavjerrëse që mbulonte fasadën e saj, dhe që kanë kuptimin e gjërave të fshehura që publiku nuk i dinte në atë periudhë, është kthyer tashmë në ‘Muzeun Kombëtar të Përgjimeve’. Muzeu Kombëtar ‘Shtëpia me Gjethe’ ndodhet në zemër të qytetit, përballë kishës Ortodokse dhe pranë Bankës Kombëtare të Shqipërisë. Muzeu është hapur për publikun që në 23 Maj 2017. Shtëpia me gjetheve u ndërtua në 1931 dhe...

Promotion of the book “A country called song”

“A special promotion, of a special book and author” – with these words, Prof. began his assessment. Ass. Dr. Ramiz Zekaj, Director of IETT. Organized by IETT, on December 10, 2021 was held the promotion of the book “It is a place called song” by Najwan Darwish. In this event, Amb. Besnik Mustafaj, diplomat, lecturer, translator and well-known writer, Mr. Najwan Darwish, author of the book and well-known poet from Palestine, Prof. As. Dr. Viola Isufaj, Professor of Contemporary Literature at...

IETT board of directors meeting

– WORK ANALYSIS OF 2021 AND PLAN IN PERSPECTIVE FOR 2022 The Institute of Education, Heritage and Tourism (IETT), held the next meeting of the Board of Directors, to analyze the activity of 2021 and the perspective plan for 2022. Present at this meeting were the Chairman of the Board, Prof. Dr. Walter Shtylla; IETT Executive Director, Prof. Ass. Dr. Ramiz Zekaj; board members, Ambassador Kujtim Morina, and Mr. Buron Kaceli; IETT coordinator, Mrs. Anisa Hykaj and the secretary of IETT, Mrs....

Research Coaching Program, a successfully completed support program

On the weekend of November 20-21, the Institute of Education, Heritage and Tourism (IETT) with its partner organizations: The Center for Advanced Studies (CNS) and the Albanian Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (AIITC), organized the second two-days’ workshop within the Research Coaching Program. The mentor of this workshop was Dr. Ardian Muhaj, an experienced researcher, member of Institute of History in Tirana and director of AIITC. On the second round of this program, very good papers were selected on topics such...

The series of lectures and study visits on Inspirational Economics is successfully completed

During the seven days, IETT organized a series of lectures and study visits in Albania and Kosovo on the Respiratory Economy. The lectures were held by Dr. Mohamed Buheji, founder of the International Institute of Inspirational Economics, IIIE and Dr. Dunya Ahmed, Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Bahrain and Chair of the Scientific Committee at IIIE. On the last day of their visits, a closing meeting was held at the IETT premises, in the presence...

Lecture: “Inspiring economy in the field of agriculture and the solutions it offers to families in rural areas”, IIIE and Organic Herb

Agriculture is the most important economic sector in Albania’s rural regions. In the framework of the series of lectures on Inspirational Economy, prepared by IETT, Dr. Mohamed Buheji, during his visit at “Organic Herb” premises, held a lecture on the topic “Inspirational economy in the field of agriculture and the solutions it offers to families in rural areas”. By sharing his experiences, Dr. Buheji gave information and advices regarding long-term rural entrepreneurship development, as an additional field of action.

“Free time during studies and inspiring economy”, IIIE in Shkodra

As psychologists and sociologists argue, leisure has a positive role in the production process: it can improve individuals’ labor productivity by affecting their self-development. In the framework of the series of lectures organized by IETT on Inspiration Economy, this time in Shkodër city, Dr. Buheji oriented the topic towards an economic view from a sociological perspective. ...

Lecture: “Entrepreneurial Responsibilities to Society”, IIIE and the New Millennium

Within the series of lectures on Inspirational Economics, the first lecture was held on the topic: “Entrepreneurial responsibilities towards society” by Dr. Mohamed Buheji, which took place in the premises of the printing house “Mileniumi i Ri”, Durrës. Dr. Buheji is considered a leading expert in the areas of Excellence, Knowledge, Innovation, Inspiration, Change Management and Increasing Compeitiveness for countries and communities.   ...

IETT part of the scientific conference “Balkans between European Integration and Regional Cooperation”

The Institute of Education, Heritage and Tourism participated in the scientific conference of Balkanology, the fourth edition, with the main topic: “The Balkans between European integration and regional cooperation”. The Director of IETT, Prof. Ass. Dr. Ramiz Zekaj referred in this meeting with the topic: “Interreligious Relations in the Balkans and Multiculturalism in the EU”. The event was organized by the Skopje-based Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians. ITSHKSH through this scientific conference aimed to highlight the human aspects of rapprochement...