The “Certified Interpretive Guide” training, CIG brought for the first time in Albania by the Institute of Education, Heritage and Tourism in collaboration with Interpret Europe IE, was successfully completed after 5 intensive days and a program which for 40 hours provided a comprehensive and diverse package of tools to turn any phenomenon into an experience and passive audiences into active ones.

This internationally recognized training is created for everyone in the field of tourism, cultural heritage, museology, interpretation but not only, helping to improve presentation techniques by combining theoretical bases with practical strategies, to provide a quality interpretive program to visitors to cultural heritage sites.

Participants practiced how to implement strong and innovative ideas to engage the visiting audience in a meaningful and memorable way. They were introduced to the history, definition and principles of interpretation and how to tailor program themes to different audiences.

At the end of the training, certificates were distributed to the participants, where the Chairman of the Steering Board, Prof. Valter Shtylla and the Executive Director of IETT, Prof. Ass. Dr. Ramiz Zekaj, who cordially thanked lecturers Valya Stergioti and Max Dubravko Fijacko for their dedication to the work done throughout the program and for the satisfactory result they provided, despite the delicate situation in which it took place, due to the pandemic.