Full of beauty and legends, Lake Ohrid remains among the best attractions in the country. A legend about this Lake says: “When God created Lake Ohrid he said: ‘I created the most beautiful Lake on the planet. However, the people here are very sinful. As a result of sin, he will also create a monster’ and God did so. None of the people knew what monster God would create. That’s why everyone was afraid to live near this Lake. One day a boy from this area named Strug decided to go to the lake. He dived into the water to confront the monster. There began a really fierce fight – to the death. So the monster won the battle, and devoured the young man. After this situation, the residents of this area decided to challenge the monster. The inhabitants found the courage to build a village on the shores of this Lake – where, in honor of the young man’s death, they named it Struga.
Also, another legend about Lake Ohrid tells about the burial of a city near this lake, where inhabited by the Illyrian tribe Enkleides. Legend has it that a powerful earthquake that occurred at that time destroyed the entire city and submerged it under water. Its ruins are located under Lake Ohrid.
Therefore, in addition to historical, cultural and religious values, this Lake in itself also contains a mythological and legendary history in itself. With the natural beauties it has, and the very favorable geo – political position, it has become a place of special importance for tourism and culture in the country.